Heritage Britain

Hotels in Bayswater, London

Crown Wall Hotel

10/11 Craven Terrace
W2 3QD

Selecting an accommodation can be one of the most important parts of planning a holiday. In London you will be spoiled for the choice with everything available from grand, internationally - famous hotel to a small hotels. Many visitors prefer to stay in economical, good value hotels, leaving more their budget available to enjoy Londons sights, shows and events. If your looking for a comfortable accommodation in centre of the London city which is convenient, quiet and great value for money look no further than Crownwall hotel easy to find. Just a few minutes by tube from Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus and Embankment for sightseeing, shopping, restaurant, Theatreland and the River Thames. It is in a very quiet location, just 3 minutes walk from well known Hyde Park, Lancaster Gate & Paddington tube. (Direct trains departing every 15 minutes, to and from London Paddington & Heathrow Express).

Rooms: 25

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