Places to Visit in Corby, Northamptonshire
Deene Park
NN17 3EW
Tel: +44(0)1780 450278
Fax: +44(0)1780 4502282
Email: click here
Deene Park online: information and bookings
Deene Park is a largely sixteenth century house with important later additions, set in a park with beautiful lakeside gardens. Occupied by the Brudenell family since 1514, it was the seat of the 7th Earl of Cardigan who led the charge of the Light Brigade in 1854. A well stocked shop and charming Old Kitchen tearoom complete a delightful afternoon.
Details Months Open: See Deene Park website for details Park from 1300 Groups/Parties Welcome: Yes - Please pre-book Admission Price: Adults: £15.00 Children: £7.50 Infants (0-4 yrs):Free Catering: Tea Room
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting
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