Places to Visit in Grasmere, Cumbria

Dove Cottage
LA22 9SH
Tel: +44(0)15394 35544
Fax: +44(0)15394 35748
Email: click here
Dove Cottage online: information and bookings
Dove Cottage was the home of William Wordsworth from December 1799 to May 1808, the years of his supreme work as a poet. It was built, probably in the early part of the 17th century, as a small hostelry.
Some seventy thousand visitors now come to see the cottage and its gardens every year, but for all this, it remains very much as it was when Wordsworth was living there with his sister Dorothy and wife Mary, when Coleridge was a frequent visitor, and also when Thomas De Quincey moved in as a successor to Wordsworth.
* Historic House
* Gardens
* Picnic Area, Children
* Private Group Tours
* School Tours Available
* Dogs on lead allowed in Gardens
Please refer to website (link above) for opening times and admission prices.
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting
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