Heritage Britain

Places to Visit in Stratford-Upon-Avon , Warwickshire

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

The Shakespeare Houses
Henley Street
CV37 6QW
Tel: +44 (0)1789 204016
Fax: +44 (0)1789 296083
Email: click here
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust online: information and bookings

MARY ARDEN'S – the childhood home of Shakespeare's mother.

Step back in time to the 1570s and experience a day with a farming household from Shakespeare's time at Palmer's Farm. See the authentically dressed interpreters carry out a wide range of activities from hand-milking sheep and cows, cooking over an open fire and baking bread to threshing in the big barn, dipping tallow candles... and much more. All this plus special Tudor themed weekends of music, dancing, cooking and rural festivities all through the year. Take a walk on the nature trail and track down the rare breeds of farm animals, including the majestic Longhorn cattle, Cotswold sheep, the beautiful Buff Orpington chickens and Gloucester Old Spot pigs. Tel. 01789 293455.

Discover what life was like at the Shakespeare household in Tudor times. Meet our period guides, dressed in replica Tudor clothing, who will welcome and guide you through the house. For the first time in four hundred years aspects of glove making, the craft of William's father, will be demonstrated periodically throughout the week.

The house contains both original and replica artefacts depicting the house as Shakespeare would have known it as a child. Enjoy the garden featuring many plants and herbs mentioned in Shakespeare's plays. Tel. 01789 201823

World famous thatched cottage once childhood home of Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's wife and still contains many family items including the beautiful cottage garden, orchard, sculpture garden, maze and romantic willow cabin. Tel. 01789 292100.

This lovely Tudor building was the home of Dr John Hall and his wife Susanna, Shakespeare's eldest daughter. Dr Hall was a respected local physician with some important and wealthy patients including the Earl and Countess of Northampton. Hall's Croft contains fine examples of Elizabethan and Jacobean furniture and an exhibition about Tudor medicine and John Hall's medical career. The beautiful walled garden with its mulberry tree and poplars captures the atmosphere of a traditional English garden. Tel. 01789 292107.

Nash's House is decorated with original Tudor furniture, paintings and tapestries. It is also home to an exciting exhibition telling the remarkable story of Shakespeare's Complete Works as one of the best-loved and most influential books in the English language. Adjacent to Nash's House are the remaining foundations of New Place, which Shakespeare purchased in 1597 and where he later died in 1616. His original estate is now preserved as a picturesque garden. Tel. 01789 292325.

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-Upon-Avon

In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting

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