Hotels in Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire
Imperial Hotel
25 Station Rd
Henley on Thames
It is perfectly placed just a minute from both river and train station. The hotel was built 100 years ago to receive national and internationals visitors from all over the world, the perfect place to stay after a long journey. The bar was a gentlemans club where during Henley Royal Regatta the rowing results of the day were discussed over brandy and cigars. Francis Bacon painted his work Man in Blue VII half a century ago while staying in the Imperial in 1954. It was the final work of a series of pictures of the same title. It has been restored and refurbished to 3 star standard over the past few years, sympathetically keeping its many original features to ensure it retains its unique character. The window above is a perfect example. Our guests include both the weekday business travellers, and leisure visitors attending weddings, other celebrations, or just resting, enjoying the beauty of the river and its environs. The latest addition to the hotel is Henley's only French restaurant 'Le Jardin De Provence' Once a year the town hosts the renound Henley Royal Regatta: a Mecca for rowers and one of the events in the traditional english calender. The Henley Music Festival has also achieved its own reputation for excellence. Guests are strongly advised to book well in advance for this period. The hotel has a strong commitment to meet and even exceed customer expectations.
Rooms: 22
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