Hotels in Harlow, Essex
Oasis Hotel
2 Hart Road
Old Harlow
Oasis Hotel online: information and bookings
When flying from London Stansted Airport whether on business or on holiday, why not make your start less stressful and check in the night before your trip in this conveniently located hotel. Our rooms are of a very high standard, we offer free airport parking for 7 days, and we provide airport transfers at 18 pounds to airport and 18 pounds return Payable By Guest(Discount Rate). It is the perfect location to Lakeside and Bluewater shopping centres, whilst all the attractions of central London are accessible by M11, train or tube. We also offer two individually designed restaurants provide a variety of culinary delights and a natural place to relax and enjoy the company of friends and colleagues. The Old Cathay, which serves a variety of styles including Peking, Szechuan, Cantonese, Singapore and Malaysian styles. And then there is the Essence of India restaurant, here you can relax and savour the sumptuous flavour of all the delecacies of indian spices.
Rooms: 40
Free car park, Internet access, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Swimming Pool
Prices per Person unless specified
Rooms from £35
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting