Places to Visit in Harlow, Essex
The Gibberd Garden
Marsh Lane,
Gilden Way
CM17 0NA
Tel: 01279 442112
Email: click here
The Gibberd Garden online: information and bookings
Occupying some seven acres, it never had a master plan. Sir Frederick was an intuitive gardener with a clear idea of what he wanted. If it worked, well and good; if it didn't, root it out and try something else! The glades, pools, lawns and alleys he designed provide settings for some eighty sculptures, large ceramic pots and architectural salvage. There is a gazebo, an avenue of lime trees, a waterfall in the brook and even a children's moated castle with drawbridge! In Sir Frederick's own words: "Garden design is an art of space, like architecture and town design. The space, to be a recognisable design, must be contained and the plants and walls containing it then become part of adjacent spaces. The garden has thus become a series of rooms, each with its own character, from small intimate spaces to large enclosed prospects.'" A visit to the Garden will perfectly illustrate this philosophy.
From M11, jct 7 take the A414 to Harlow. Go through 3 roundabouts and turn right at 4th onto B183 (brown signposted Gibberd Garden). Go through 2 more roundabouts and at end of long straight road turn left onto single lane.
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting
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