Abbeys and Priories in Battle, Sussex

Battle Abbey
TN33 0AD
Tel: 01424 773792
Fax: 01424 775059
Battle Abbey online: information and bookings
Battle Abbey is one of 1066 Country's most popular attractions with the original gatehouse still intact and a host of exciting exhibits, including a brand new Visitor Centre and cafe. The Abbey is also home to an annual re-enactment where the Battle of Hastings is fought once again only this time in front of thousands of spectactors from around the world! You can even walk the original battlefield and stand on the very spot where King Harold was slain...
In case of alteration, please check prices, opening times and any specific important information before booking or visiting
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Places to Stay near Battle Abbey
Ash Tree Inn, Ashburnham PlaceGeorge Hotel, Battle
Horley, Battle
White Lodge Bed and Breakfast in Battle, Battle
Battle Golf Club, Battle