Heritage Britain

Places to Visit in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Elton Hall, Peterborough

Elton Hall

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An extraordinary, romantic, part Gothic house which has been in the Proby family since 1660.

The Hall, which stands in the midst of unspoilt landscaped parkland, is a fascinating mix of styles surrounded by stunning gardens. There is also a garden centre and Loch Fyne restaurant to visit.

The Estate: Elton Hall lies at the heart of a 3,800 acre Estate made up of a mixture of property including farms, houses and cottages, commercial property and woodland. The Estate straddles the Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire borders and is well located for access from the East and West along the A14 and A47 and is 86 miles North of London, just off the A1.

The Gardens
Very little evidence remains of the original garden. We can see from the 1730 drawing by Buck that a formal garden was laid out to the north-east of the house.

There are some sketches of what the grounds looked like in the mid to late 18th century. Formal gardens and pleasure grounds were laid out in the 1890s and all that remains from this early planting are some of the mature trees, the box parterre and the four conical yew shapes to the south of the Hall.

The garden you see today was laid out in 1913 with the construction of the paths, the lawns, the lily pond, the well-head and the flower garden wall.

By 1980 a large part of the Edwardian garden had fallen into disrepair and since the early 1980s there has been a major restoration programme. The flower garden has been replanted and a new sunken garden, a shrub garden and an arboretum created.

Elton Hall, Peterborough

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